Holy Fire® Usui Reiki Level I and II

To register, please email daxa@thepowerofhealing.ca
Or call 416 970 1965

You will be learning the traditional foundations of Usui Holy Fire® III energy through Experiences and Placements (previously called attunements). No prior experience is needed! Just a desire to learn this simple yet powerful technique for healing the mind, body and soul. Students will learn the history of Reiki, the benefits of reiki, reiki principles, hand positions for treating yourself, and other reiki techniques. By the end of this course, you’ll be well-prepared to practice reiki on yourself and others. You will also receive a video about (how to give yourself a full Reiki healing session) and a manual with details.

Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Level I 
Saturday, February 1st, 2025 (In Person - Day One)

10 am - 5.30 pm
 - $300

Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Level II
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 (In Person - Day Two)

10 am - 5.30 pm
- $300

Location - Mississauga
Class sizes are small, so availability is limited.

To register, send payment to daxa@thepowerofhealing.ca or
Please feel free to contact me at 416 970 1965.

Click here for Testimonials: https://bit.ly/3gg4sbt

Email Daxa for interest!

In this powerful reiki training workshop, you will learn the history of Reiki and how to give yourself a full Reiki session to help you heal in mind, body, and spirit. In level II you will receive and learn about three powerful reiki symbols for physical, emotional, and mental healing. You will learn how to send distant reiki to anyone, anything, or any situation.

Extensive training on how to use the symbols, how to give and receive a full Reiki session, and many other techniques will be taught.

Detailed manuals, video and meditation provided.
Combining Level I and II is recommended

To register please call 416 970 1965 or email - daxa@thepowerofhealing.ca
I am happy to chat with you and discuss the benefits of Reiki. 

Learning Reiki is powerful and can permanently transform your life.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, what you are going through, or how old you are. Reiki will help bring you peace and enrich your life.

Reiki is for everyone and easy to learn!

Reiki comes into your life exactly at the moment when you need it, and when you are ready to receive the teachings.

If you are reading this, maybe this is that moment…

After taking this simple but life-changing two-day course, you will have the ability to ‘lay your hands’ on yourself or on others to release stress and balance the mind, body, and spirit.


Course Content

What will I learn in Reiki Level I?

What is Reiki?

Usui Reiki Lineage

Reiki Principles

Reiki Levels and Attunements

Chakras and Auras

Energy Cords

Hand Positions


Daily Practice Self-Treatment


Reiki Use in Hospitals and Case Studies

What will I learn in Reiki Level II?


Byosen Scanning

Gyoshi Ho – Sending Reiki with Eyes

Full Reiki Session

Reiji Ho

Opening a Reiki Practice

Other Techniques

Path to Reiki Master

The Power of Reiki Symbols

Practice of Reiki Symbols

Practice of Distant Reiki

What are the benefits of learning Reiki?